What is MathsAddsUp
MathsAddsUp takes niche groups of similar abilities, ages and goals and allows students to learn specific topics in a friendly online environment. Group learning can be far more beneficial than one-to-one learning. Students benefit from working collaboratively, sharing ideas, identifying misconceptions and developing problem solving techniques together. The art of good teaching is the skilful guiding of students through well considered questions and prompts.
MathsAddsUp has developed a series of modules that are the most frequently sought after in private tuition. The niche groups allow students to work at the correct pace. The courses are run termly in six week slots. No six week module is ever the same as no group of students is ever the same. The dynamics of the group dictates the lesson's requirement and the pace and the needs of the students are gauged by the questions posed and hence dictate the outcome. This teaching and learning technique maximises the students' learning potential.
MathsAddsUp provides a number of modules to help master key topics through a series of lessons. The modules focus on the topics that students find too hard to self-teach and master.
MathsAddsUp philosophy is simple
We don't stop until they've got!
MathsAddsUp ethos is the lesson is led by the questions of the students so that learning and progress is always made. We promote question with question techniques and promote the ethos that success relies on Purpose, Accountability and Mastery. MASTERY is paramount for the next steps of maths to be understood.
MathsAddsUp aims to embed, consolidate and master topics that can cause difficulty using a series of lessons. These lessons are taught in optimal class sizes and the modules are typically 6 lessons. All courses are run termly.
Why is MathsAddsUp needed? Maths is a series of building blocks each block relying on the understanding of the previous layer. It is easy for a student to lose their confidence due to missed lessons, large classes or simply the wrong pace. Unfortunately, once a student falls behind, the building blocks become wobbly for the next layer and the next until a big chasm is formed. This gap of knowledge becomes the Achilles' heel for future topics. Talented students can begin to flounder simply because a building block has been missed earlier.